Step 1: Copy the content of the hard disk to a new hard disk.
Step 2: Expand the partition to fill all the available space on the the new hard disk.
Step 1: Copy the content of the hard disk to a new hard disk.
(in part from )Copy the content of disk 1 (mounted on /dev/sdb) to disk 2 (mounted on /dev/sdc ) (if adjust sdb, sdc, sdd, etc acording to your own configuration, you might use gparted to check the names). Block size below is 1M (1 mb):
$ dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc bs=1M
Follow the progress forof the process by executing the following command in an other command window:
$ kill -USR1 8789Find the process ID by running the command (and replace 8789 acordingly):
$ pgrep -l '^dd$' 8789 dd $
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