Friday, September 9, 2022

OneDrive for Linux

OneDrive for Linux

Dell Precision 5550: Mouse drag lock bug


Dell Precision 5550: Mouse drag lock bug

Works on generic Ubuntu 20.04.

Open a terminal and type xinput for a list of devices. Then xinput disable <id> the ELANxx device.

$ xinput disable 15

Swipe gently on the screen and then reenable touchscreen

$ xinput enable 15

Repeat if necessary.

[post #47 on]

Linux: How to list group members

The follwing group and user operations are usefull in linux

Add users

To add a user to Linux

$ sudo adduser username

List users

To list users in Linux

$ less /etc/passwd

To serch for users/a user

$ more /etc/passwd | grep username

List members in group

To list the members of a group in Linux

$ getent group groupname

Add user to group

To add a user to a group in Linux

$ sudo usermod -aG group usernamename